९ फाल्गुन/ गएराति आफ्नै घरेलु मैदानमा भएको एफए कपको पाँचौ चरणको खेलमा आर्सनल हल सिटीसंग बराबरीमा रोकिएको हो। आर्सनलले हल सिटीलाई पुरै समय दबाबमा राखेपनि गोल गर्न भने सकेन।
बराबरी पछि अब आर्सनल र हल सिटीवीच दोस्रो लेगको खेल हुनेछ। दोस्रो लेग अब आर्सनलले हल सिटीको मैदानमा खेल्नेछ। यसैवीच गएराति भएका खेलमा एभर्टन, रिडिङ र वाट्फोर्ड जित हात पार्दै एफए कपको क्वाटरफाइनल प्रवेश गरेका छन्।
क्वाटर फाइनल प्रवेश गर्ने क्रममा एभर्टनले बर्नमाउथलाई २–०, रिडिङले वेष्ट ब्रुमलाई ३–१ र वाट्फोर्डले लिड्स युनाईटेडलाई १–० गोल अन्तरले पराजित गरेका थिए। आइतबार राति चेल्सीले म्यान्चेष्टर सिटीको र टोटनह्यामले क्रिष्टल प्यालेसको सामना गर्नेछन्।
९ फाल्गुन/ स्पानिस प्रिमिरा ला लिगा फुटबलमा बार्सिलोनाले ९ अंकको अग्रता लिएको छ। गएराति भएको खेलमा लास पल्मसलाई २–१ गोल अन्तरले पराजित गरेसँंगै बार्सिलोनाले ला लिगा फुटबलको दोस्रो स्थानमा रहेको एथ्लेटिको मड्रिडसंगको ९ अंकको अग्रता लिएको हो।
खेलको छैठौं मिनेटमै लुइस स्वारेजले गोल गर्दै बार्सिलोनालाई सुरुवाती अग्रता दिलाए। तर खेलको १० औँ मिनेटमै पल्मसका लागि विलियन जोसेले गोल गर्दै खेल बराबरीमा ल्याएका थिए।
खेलको ३९ औँ मिनेटमा नेमारले गोल गर्दै बार्सिलोनालाई २–१ के अग्रता दिलाए। बार्सिलोनाले पहिलो हाफमा २–१ को अग्रता लिएको थियो। तर दोस्रो हाफमा दुवै टोलीले गोल गर्न नसकेपछि बार्सिलोना २–१ गोल अन्तरले विजयी भयो।
जितपछि बार्सिलोना २५ खेलबाट ६३ अंकका साथ शीर्ष स्थानमा छ। दोस्रो स्थानमा रहेको एथ्लेटिको मड्रिडको २४ खेलबाट ५४ अंक छ भने तेस्रो स्थानमा रहेको रियल मड्रिडको २४ खेलबाट ५३ अंक छ।
९फाल्गुन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेट परिषद् (आईसीसी) ले नेपाललाई निलम्बन गर्ने स्पष्ट संकेत दिएको छ । विश्व क्रिकेटको सर्वोच्च निकायले बिहीबार नेपाली क्रिकेटसँग संलग्नहरूलाई पत्र पठाई बाध्यकारी कदम चाल्न आईसीसी अगाडि बढ्नुपर्ने स्थिति आएको जनाएको छ ।
आईसीसीका ग्लोबल डेभलपमेन्ट प्रमुख टिम एन्डरसनले राष्ट्रिय खेलकुद परिषद्का सदस्य सचिव केशवकुमार विष्ट, सरकारद्वारा गठित नेपाल क्रिकेट संघ (क्यान) का अध्यक्ष रमेश सिलवाल र सरकारको निर्वाचनलाई बेवास्ता गर्दै निर्वाचनबाट चुनिएका क्यानका महासचिव अशोकनाथ प्याकुर्यालको नाममा पत्राचार गरी यस्तो चेतावनी दिएको हो ।
मंसिरको अन्तिममा चतुरबहादुर चन्दको अध्यक्षतामा क्यानको निर्वाचन भएको थियो । आफ्नो स्वीकृतिबिना भएको चुनावलाई नमानेका कारण त्यसलाई सरकारले मान्यता दिएको छैन । प्याकुर्याल त्यही क्यानका महासचिव हुन् । पुस १८ गते राखेपले सिलवालको अध्यक्षतामा अर्को क्यान गठन गरेको थियो । त्यसविरुद्ध प्याकुर्याल सम्मिलित क्यानले सर्वोच्च अदालतमा मुद्दा हालेको थियो, जसको अझै निर्णय भएको छैन ।
२०१५ को नोभेम्बर ८ मा गरेको पछिल्लो पत्राचारपछि क्यानको स्थिति अझ दयनीय भएको जनाउँदै एन्डरसनले नेपाल पठाएको पत्रमा भनेका छन्, ‘नेपालको सर्वोच्च अदालतको निर्णयबारे हामी अझै स्पष्ट हुन सकेका छैनौं । यो स्थिति समाधान नभएपछि नेपाली क्यानले क्रिकेटको सर्वोच्च निकायको हिसाबमा कार्य गर्न पाउने छैन । यो एउटा दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण अवस्था हो । यो रहेसम्म नेपाली क्रिकेटले ठूलो मूल्य चुकाउनुपर्नेछ ।’
एन्डरसनले अगाडि भनेका छन्, ‘आईसीसी बोर्डलाई यो विषयमा अप्रिलमा हुने बैठकमा जानकारी गराइनेछ र स्थिति यही रहिरहेमा आईसीसी बोर्डले क्यानको निलम्बनसम्मको कारबाही गर्न सक्नेछ ।’ दुई फरक क्रिकेट बोर्ड अस्तित्वमा देखिएपछि आईसीसीले गत वर्ष नै अमेरिकालाई निलम्बन गरेको थियो । अहिले नेपाली क्रिकेट त्यही स्थितिमा आइपुगेको हो ।
एन्डरसनको पत्रले नेपालले वैशाख २ र ४ गते नामिबियासँग कीर्तिपुरमा खेल्ने विश्व क्रिकेट लिग च्याम्पियनसिपको खेल पनि शंकाको घेरामा छ । ‘क्यान चलायमन नहुने हो भने नेपालको विश्व क्रिकेट लिग च्याम्पियनसिपअन्तर्गत नामिबियासँगको खेल कसरी हुन्छ यो भन्न गाह्रो छ । यस विषयमा आईसीसीले मार्चमा आफ्नो स्पष्ट धारणा बनाउनेछ,’ एन्डरसनको पत्रमा उल्लेख छ ।
आईसीसीले नेपाललाई सर्तसहित यो खेल आयोजना गर्न दिएको छ । त्रिवि क्रिकेट मैदान, कीर्तिपुरको पूर्वाधार निर्माण सम्पन्नको प्रक्रिया र सुरक्षा प्रत्याभूति आईसीसीका सर्त हुन् । तर आईसीसीले पछिल्लो स्थितिमा क्यानको आधिकारिकतामा प्रश्नै उठाएपछि नेपालले घरेलु मैदानमा च्याम्पियनसिपका खेल खेल्न पाउन थप समय कुर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ ।
कीर्तिपुर मैदानको पूर्वाधार स्तरोन्नति गर्न नसकेको र सुरक्षा प्रत्याभूति दिन नसकेपछि पपुवा न्युगिनीसँगको खेल नेपालले नोभेम्बरमा यूएईमा गएर खेलेको थियो । २०१५ देखि १७ सम्मको च्याम्पियनसिपका ७ खेलमा नेपालले तीन देशविरुद्धका ६ खेल घरेलु मैदानमा खेल्न पाउने आईसीसीको तालिका छ ।
एन्डरसनले पत्रमा नेपालले आईसीसीले दिने २०१४ देखिको ९ लाख डलर सहयोग रकम रोकिएको पनि जानकारी गराएका छन् । ‘राम्रो सर्वोच्च निकाय, उचित प्रशासन र आर्थिक व्यवस्थापन प्रणाली कार्यान्वयन नभएसम्म आईसीसीले दिने सहयोग रकम रोक्का भइरहने छ,’ एन्डरसनले पत्रमा भनेका छन् ।
Brendon McCullum's leadership of the New Zealand cricket team has inspired and influenced the way many of us approach the game.
It is an honour to make the side in the first place, but to do so and then experience his captaincy first-hand is something that will stay with me for my career and beyond.
Players who have contact with him tend to exceed their own expectations because he has the ability to draw the best out of them. He earns respect because he leads by example and demonstrates absolute loyalty. That gives you extra confidence, that he believes in you. He truly cares about people.
Baz turned around our culture and seeing him grow as a leader during that period made it an amazing time to be part of the team.
Some players, after years in the New Zealand team, can be forgiven for sticking to their old ways. But Baz was motivated to try to change the culture, along with our coach Mike Hesson.
We all started to see the importance of the team, and Baz was better than anyone at showing that. His ability with the bat was dynamic and world-class, but I will always remember his delivery of clear messages by taking the emotion out. This came after our successes, but especially after our failures. He could put the feeling and emotion aside and deliver the right message for what was required at the time.
I loved the commitment he made to play his own way, despite the criticism he received from some who got frustrated and made efforts to try to change him. I believe that allowed him to play longer for his country, and as a team we were thankful for that. He's a guy who can leave the game saying he played it his way, that he enjoyed it. In fact, that was infectious among the group. He showed why playing for your mates and a common cause can bring more enjoyment out of what we do.
He taught us to be humble and understand that there's more to life than a win or a loss. He brought back the old-school mentality where, if you happened to win, you invite the opposition into the sheds for a beer, or if you lost, make an effort to go to the opposition dressing room and do the same.
On the playing front, one thing none of us will forget is his triple-century at the Basin Reserve a couple of years back. That was uncharted territory for a New Zealander and Baz marched in there and took it. Once he cut that ball behind point, the team rose to applaud and cheer. The dressing room erupted. There was quite a bit of emotion on that occasion, because we desperately wanted him to get there.
He brought back the old-school mentality where, if you happened to win, you invite the opposition for a beer, or if you lost, go to the opposition dressing room and do the same
His double-hundreds during that year can't be forgotten either, nor the 195 at Hagley Oval, when he got within a few metres of eclipsing Nathan Astle's record for the fastest double-hundred. His effort in Sharjah against Pakistan, the Test played in the shadow of Phillip Hughes' death, was also extraordinary.
We were hit hard thinking of Phil's family and friends. I know cricket was played but Brendon and I mentioned that whole scenario a lot out in the middle during that Test. It was still raw and at the forefront of our minds.
I've always loved Baz's fearless approach to fast bowling, but especially his pride in hitting sixes. However, if there was one aspect to his game that he particularly dined out on, it was his one Test wicket, getting a caught-and-bowled after delivering one of his medium-pacers to Pakistan's Sarfraz Ahmed in the Dubai Test. He just scooped it up.
Something Brendon believed more and more was that runs and wickets were cool, but being a good person throughout was the most important thing. He also felt that if you are doing anything in life for a period of time, why not make a few mates doing so? I can firmly say Baz leaves the international game having done that. Congrats.
As told to Andrew Alderson, before the Christchurch Test
Rory McIlroy is just two shots off the lead heading into the final round of the Northern Trust Open as Bubba Watson emerged at the top of a congested leaderboard.
McIlroy cruised home in 33 to return a four-under 67, which he capped with a superb par save from just inside 20 feet at the last to keep him at 10 under on his debut at the Riviera Country Club.
Watson also fired a 67 and got up and down from the same spot near the grandstand at the 18th, and the 2014 champion enjoys a one-shot lead over Dustin Johnson, Chez Reavie and overnight leader Jason Kokrak.
Barcelona's Luis Suarez (L) celebrates a goal with team-mate Neymar
Barcelona went nine points clear at the summit of La Liga with a 2-1 victory away to lowly Las Palmas on Saturday.
Goals from Luis Suarez and Neymar were enough to hand the visitors victory over a spirited home side who started the game brightly.
The Catalans stretch their unbeaten run in all competitions to 32 matches and pick up a seventh straight league win, keeping them clear of title contenders Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid.